Death Mystery of Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose


Death Mystery of Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose was an Indian national Revolutionary, Militant leader of the Indian independence struggle, and the founder of the Indian National Army. He was a former Congress leader and also elected as a president of Congress in 1938 but, he withdrew his post in 1939 because of the ideological discord between Gandhiji. He also got House Arrested by the Imperial Government(British Raj). He succeeded to flee and proceeded to Afghanistan through which he went to Germany and sought the aid of Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany. Hitler lends his Support to Netaji and directs him to go to Japan(Germany's ally) for Conquering India. He started the Indian National Army in Singapore. Because of his able leadership, he led his forces to conquer Singapore, Malaysia, and Burma. After the surrender of Japan in World War II(15th August 1945), he withdrew his forces and went to Vietnam through which he plots to go to Japan. On the way, he going to japan from Vietnam it is said that he met with an infamous flight crash on 18th August 1945, but many of them reject that he didn't die in Flight Crash. Let us see what happens to Netaji and theories which suggests that he was alive after the flight crash event. In first let us see commissions appointed by the Indian Government to investigate the Death of Nethaji.

Investigation of Death mystery by Indian Government

During 1956, Nehru led Congress Government formed a commission headed by Shawnawaz to investigate Nethaji's death mystery. The other members were S.N. Maitra I.C.S and Suresh Chandra Bose, Elder Brother of Nethaji. The commission is called a Shawnawaz commission or Nethaji inquiry commission.

Shaw Nawaz Commission

The commission reported that the flight crash was genuine and declared as the result of the commission. But it was not accepted by the Suresh Chandra Bose(one of the important members of the committee).

Khosla Commission 1970

After the disappointing report of Shaw Nawaz commission, the Indian Government formed another commission under the head of Justice Khosla in 1970. The same happened in the case of Khosla. In 1977, The Khosla commission was also reported that Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose has died in the Flight Crash

Mukherjee Commission 1999.                        

 After the decades of Khosla commission, the Government of India appointed Manoj Kumar Mukherjee to study the case. The commission submitted its statement in 2005 with a shocking report. The commission claims that the flight crash theory is misleading and also Nethji's ash in Renkoji temple, Japan does not belong to Nethaji but it was ash of Ichiro Okura, a Japanese soldier in world war II.

Ichio okura www.inforoarcurious.comCommissions appointed by Indian Government for  Death Mystery of Nethaji Subash Chandra

Debunked flight crash theory

     After submission of the Mukherjee Commission Report in 2005, the Flight Crash theory debunked, but the Indian Government doesn't accept the report. But it influenced many private researchers to investigate the case of Nethaji. The Taiwan Government(Officially the Republic of China) has also confirmed that there was no flight crash on the following dates between 10 to 19th August 1945. the Mukherjee commission interpreted that Ash of Nethaji in Renkoji Temple, Japan does not belong to Nethaji. the commission also approached Taiwan directly despite international constraints. So the commission also gets defined that the flight crash is misleading. Many private researchers and Leaders of All India Forward Bloc also say the same. then you can think if he survived the flight crash then what happened to Nethaji?. Then again mystery surrounds him!. there were two theories that what he did after the flight crash incident, Let's see what might have he did after the incident.

Flight Crash inciedent is fake,

Tashkent Man(Nethaji?)

               On 10th January 1966, India and Pakistan signed a peace treaty in Tashkent, Soviet Union, After the Indo-Pak war 1965. In the above picture, you can see a man which we red-circled. After the release of this photograph, many cannot identify who is this?. Many researchers tried to find out who is a mysterious man?. After the close examination researchers find out with the shocking news, Tashkent Man is none other than Nethaji !. But the question is by which way Nethaji came to Tashkent after the fake Flight Crash?. Many KGB(Soviet Russia's secret police) files were there with details with Mystery of Nethaji. According to researchers and historians, Nethaji was a supporter of Socialist philosophy, So, he might go to Soviet Russia via Manchuria. After the arrival of Nethaji, the Soviet police may receive him and produced him to Stalin(Leader of Soviet Russia). So, In that way, he may be reached the Tashkent. There is another evidence that he went to Nethaji is given below.
Nethaji in Soviet Russia

In that letter, you can see Prime minister of India Nehru himself wrote a letter to P.M of England that Bose was in Soviet Russia.In 1967, A Man named Subash Chandra spoke in Radio Moscow That was also broadcasted and heard by the public also this event confirms that Bose was in Soviet Russia. Many mysteries of bose are secretly kept in KGB office and many researchers, historians, public of India requested the Russian Government to reveal the mystery. Hope that in future they might reveal the secret of the Great leader of India Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose.

Bose and Stalin inforoarcuriousNehru Wellwisher or traitor of Nethaji

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Bose files revealed by the Indian Government in 2017

Nethaji Secret files
Mukherjee commission report


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